Monday, June 14, 2010

06/14/10 part deux

Warning. The topic below is of adult nature. If you blush easily or are a prude, you should skip this post.

Topic: Vajazzling...

I was just introduced to the concept of vajazzling by one of my aunts. (insert awkward pause) I had never heard of this "fashion" trend before. For those of you in a similar boat as mine, vajazzling is essentially bedazzling your lady parts. Yep, that's right. Bedazzling your vagina. Apparently this has gained popularity and interest ever since Jennifer Love-Hewitt announced she regularly vajazzles. Oh, how the image of the mighty Ghost Whisperer has fallen...

Other than the obvious intrigue that a mid-20's male would get with this idea, a few thoughts have popped into my head.

Do women not realize that that region is quite beautiful to begin with? I'm a believe in Creation and as the last thing created, women have the unique quality of being inherently beautiful, including that area. Adding sparkles to it equates to lighting a sparkler at a 4th of July fireworks show. Kinda cool, but definitely not the main attraction.

How do you think this effects the guys lucky enough to view the vajazzling? I mean, I've heard more than a few women complain about their guys and how they aren't necessarily talented when playing around there. Why would you ever give us something else to distract us? That's like asking us about our feelings while we're watching football. Come on...

So, the idea is to put jewels around your crotch. Last I knew, bedazzling utilized a significant amount of hot glue in order to properly fasten rhinestones to that awesome stonewashed jean jacket. As far as I'm concerned, genitalia and hot glue don't seem to be a natural combination. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking on people w/ their fetishes. I'm just thinking that it really couldn't be a comfortable experience.

Also right up there with the glue would be the maintenance of the treasure chest. Are they there for more than day? If so, I'd think the upkeep would be a bit difficult. I'm no body art expert, but last I checked, hair tends to grow down there. When doing your ladyscaping, do you just mow around it like a swimming pool or do they come off, only to be replaced when the works done?

This one remains confusing to me. I never claimed to know everything. I guess the only thing one should ask regarding a woman with vajazzling is whether she wants to be tied up or needs to be tied up.


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